Thursday, June 5, 2008

Recovering from doctors

So, as most of you know, my quick in and out dermotology appointment last week turned out to be a full blown face trauma, including plastic surgery and a very long week.

The funny part was going to the temple the night afterwards and having my temple president take one look at me and say "skin cancer?".

Got the stitches out on Tuesday and despite the plastic surgeons request that I not put make up on the scars for at least two more weeks(GET SERIOUS!), I look somewhat better with cover girl and some lipstick (despite the bump on my lip . . . ).

Have decided to make the dermatologist hunt me down for a follow up visit, otherwise she gets to see me annually like my GYN doc.

May actually start marketing t-shirts that say "Doctors make me sick!"!! :-D

It is melting here this week (temps to reach 100 before week's end . . .), but love the warmth and the sun (and no, the sun did not cause the face damage ... heritage and fair skin did it all!).

Goal still remains to get my back deck done and enjoy it more this summer. Wish me luck!