Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Pressure Free South

Okay, my retarded disclaimer is . . . I have spent two days trying to remember, find and/or reset my password so I could post, cause I can't take the pressure!
I haven't written before because I don't want to rub it in the my windows were down (again) at lunch today and I raked my backyard all day Saturday . . . and I am not wearing pantyhose today and it is the end of January!
God Bless the South.
God Bless Mitt Romney!
Am still sad at the passing of our prophet. Has put me in a constant state of reminder of the song "We Thank Thee Oh God For a Prophet"! And how thankful I am for the gospel in my life and the knowledge that Heavenly Father loves me enough to let me be born when the gospel has been fully restored.
I am also thankful this week for new prints from Jennifer (3 hot chicks and the naked babies), and Karen's family picture!
In talking to my Dad the night President Hinkley died he confirmed what I have known all along, that I make really cute grandkids! Doesn't mean they get to sleep over in the 5th wheel ... but they are too cute for that anyway.
Am preparing for the big squirrel hunt coming up this next week. Finally found members in my ward with pellet guns, and not afraid to use them! Or eat them (which is okay with me so long as they are out of my tree and out of my hard. Hacking off some limbs on Saturday to get to the latest low lying nest ...

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Here is to 2008!

Okay, so I missed posting in the month of December. Big hairy deal!
I am practicing a stress free Christmas ... and blogging just seemed to stressful ...
I am looking forward to a wonderful 2008. Planning my travel plans and life around Lacey and Carter's baptisms and our Gramma trip to Disneyland (hopefully next Christmas).

Am so loving not having snow and cold at Christmas. Had my windows opened all night one day last week. Not bad for December! Not bad at all.

I had a great and quiet Christmas. Saw a slew of movies. Read a book. Blew some leaves in my yard. Had a nice dinner with my neighbor and a friend and her daughter.

Got a squirrel for Christmas! Most appropriate gift ever!
Used up all of my Mom's candles.

Am most thankful in 2007 for my Savior and His perfect love for me. Am grateful that I learned of His love earlier enough to show and teach my children "I love you period". Am so grateful for the blessing of being a Mom and being a Gramma. Am constantly amazed how many times someone here looks at a picture of one of my children or my grandchildren and says he/she looks just like me!
How blessed is that!

Am loving my callings and my ward and my friends and my neighbors.
Pretty much my whole life.

Planning on wrapping up some leftover legal issues and move fully forward in 2008!
And then take another cruise in 2009 (depending on baby births!)!~

Happy New Year.
I Love You All (Y'all)!