Thursday, September 3, 2009

So I have a confession ~~~

If you thought I was a mean Mom, and I hope I was (may you ALL need/get therapy!) ... I am still the tough nut in my Primary Presidency. My president hurt herself at the beginning of the summer showing off trying to water ski and so much of the summer the 1st counselor (very quiet from South Africa) and I have been doing a lot of extra work. Thankfully, we finally got a secretary (didn't have one for like 6 months cause ours decided she just didn't want to any more after her teenage daughter got pregnant again ...)!

So I have a "Cameron" in Primary who hugs me like 10 times every Sunday whose REAL Grandpa came out from SLC to visit and he wanted to make sure he introduced him to his favorite "teacher". Moi!

I have already told SC Cameron that I need to take our picture some Sunday so I can send it to MY Cameron in AZ!

Then, of course, our Bishop, who has six children, all of whom are Primary or younger, has pistols (boys only ... his girls are angels, mostly, except when they are beating up on their older brother). And Collin, his 5-6 year old WANTS to have ADHD so he can have an excuse for being a booger ... but he just needs a week at "Camp Jennifer". Anyway, I harp on him ALL the time. Sit still Collin. Don't touch Ammon Collin. Turn around in your chair Collin. Quit playing with your tie Collin. Mostly I just mess up his name. His older brother's name is Colby, and what with Cameron and then we also have a Colton who is in Colby's class . . .

Anyway, after a long drawn out Sacrament Meeting practice this past Sunday, when we broke out the treats (their reward for working on and practicing their parts and listening to directions, etc.) Master Collin came up and threw his arms around me (and don't even think I wasn't on him ALL day during the practice!) and says to me ... "Sister Perry you are my favorite "teacher""!!!

The added highlight to that fun Sunday was surviving another Activity Day Tuesday night (our leader is actually our new secretary and a recent convert to the church and pregnant for the first time ...) with almost a dozen girls this week (two of them bring a non member friend most of the time)including my cousins, the Perry girls, who are new converts (older sisters and Mom have been less active and are coming back into the Fold) make for an exhausting Tuesday. So, we get all packed up and they break down their table and fold up their chairs and one of the oldest girls who is graduating to YW says to me "Sister Perry (don't even make me do my southern accent on how they say that!) will you always be in Primary or will they let you come be our teacher some day in YW?

Proof positive the church is true and the atonement works, both on us and for us!

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