Thursday, March 25, 2010

Just in time for Easter ~

So in preparation of Easter next weekend, my thoughts have turned to all my many blessings.

Since Katelyn came home I am back to reading her a book every night before bed. One of her favorite ones is "the potty book", known to others as the "I Love you always and forever book".

So, of course, I am reading the potty book to her the other night and I make it through about 5 pages and then the bawling starts!

I think of Jeremy sitting on my lap when he came from his mission. I think of the ache in my heart when Jennifer announced her divorce. I think of watching Karen in child birth for the first time. I think of Nathan leaving President Dorny's office just before the gates of hell opened.

I think of the children that were not born to me because of choices I made and those who can be mine if I make enough good choices from here on out.

Then I remember being in the celestial room with all of my babies and thinking my Mom was smiling down from Heaven, having never had that blessing in her life. I think of walking her down the stairs at the Manti temple when Mark was sealed even as my marriage was crumbling around me and what a blessing and privilege it is to have her as my Mom for all eternity. I think of how proud I was to have my Dad and Mary serving a mission.

Then my thoughts turn to my grand children who are the reason I work so I can take vacations and spend time with them, bear hug them to pieces, tickle them to pieces and love them forever and always, just like their parents before them and just like the potty book!

My Heavenly Father must love me always and forever for blessing me to be a Mom and a Gramma/Grammasita!

My Savior's atonement makes it possible for me to have all of them with me forever. Thank goodness no one is disowned from Heavenly Father's family!

1 comment:

BoyMaker said...

Great update ---- I wonder if there will be a time when I don't get choked up just reading about Grandma & remembering her.
Probably not.
love you